Simply Sweet at Professional BC Wedding Awards Night

Wow, what a night! Simply Sweet won "Best Wedding Florist - Overall" !!!

Still in shock and trying to let it all sink in~~ I'm really thrilled and honored and also feel very humble at the same time. Never really expected to win anything last night. I was basically looking forward to a night out with my Hubbs and maybe even bump into a few friendly faces. I wasn't even sure if my submission got nominated, but standing there waiting for Justin Eckersall to announce Best Wedding Florist - Overall last night really blew me away when I heard Simply Sweet Floral Designs... My first reaction, "Oh my God"... - couldn't believe it, I better go up on the stage to accept the award. The funny thing is I don't think anyone knew who I was, since I've only been in the business for 5 years and feel like such a small potato. Like my husband says I've worked in a cave all these years.

My heartfelt thanks goes to Tracy Volb, Managing Director of BC Wedding Awards. She contacted me back in September and encourage me to participate. She even complimented how nice our website was and that I should be proud. I'll give credit to my husband and my friend Tony who helped design it.

At the event I did feel the location at first was a bit dodgy, but never judge a book by it's cover because I felt special the moment I walked in and commented it's the first time going clubbing with my husband - as a joke. We had our coats checked, was handed a program with complimentary tickets to try some appetizers and even had our photos taken professionally!

Inside was a ginormous screen because it used to be an abandoned Asian cinema. I like how there were a few chefs who were there to let us taste test the hors d'oeuvres they prepared. I even asked one chef from Emelle's Catering how long it took to make the shrimp sauce and he said 48 hours. We got to vote for our favorite appies, and although the one I voted for didn't win I appreciate all his effort into preparing for hundreds of people last night. To me the taste was memorable and that's what caught my attention.

All proceeds from the event were donated to InterSections Youth Society . There really wasn't any more to top off the night, but as the guests were heading out, we were given a small souvenir of chocolates from Thomas Haas (compliments from Real Weddings) Yummy!

Oh, I forgot to mention there was PIXSTAR Photobooth which brings me back to my high school days except I wasn't with my girlfriends. I had the opportunity to meet and shake hands with Emcee Fred Lee from CBC. His energy was perfect for the night. We had some good laughs.

Thanks so much BC Professional Wedding Awards! You've completed my 2010! Please visit their website to see the winners of all twenty categories. Congratulations to all the winners!


Alan Yu said...

Wow! Congratulations!

阿中 said...


Joyce L said...

hey dee! stumbled on ur site:) congratsss on the award and hope everything is going well<3

Kit said...

Just happened to see your blog and knowing that you got a reward. You deserved it! Just like what I said to my friend "Doris' flowers look the best!"

Anonymous said...

this is a big deal. congratulations! kenneth

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Doris!

Anonymous said...

I am really Glad i discovered this blog.Added to my bookmark!