Princess Kate

I didn't plan to watch any of the wedding last night, but only 30 minutes until I got tired. Although I didn't see the actual ceremony happen I did enjoy seeing all the vibrant colored headpieces!

My take on Kate's bridal bouquet was really simple, but as People's magazine puts it on April 26th: "The overall look for the day, adds the florist, will be understated. "I think you can get 'wow' in several ways, and it certainly won't be 'Wow, what an extravagance!'" he says. "It will be, 'Wow, how beautiful' and hopefully, 'How perfectly suited to the day and the nature of the marriage.'"

I think this is true how it's beautiful and perfectly suited for the nature of the marriage. Kate is smart for not carrying a ton of flowers and her dress I actually loved the lace part. I guess lace is in and it's not classy for a Princess to show too much skin. One thing I'm happy about is when I got married in 2007 I had similar elements to Princess Kate's wedding dress and flowers! (but I was not nearly as beautiful as her)