Winter Wedding in February~

I was really happy to hear a friend of mine who I met through my husband got engaged last year. I had the honor to do her bridal bouquet last weekend. A simple, intimate, perfect wedding! It was a lovely wedding and how magical it was to snow! My camera battery died so I didn't get a chance to take a photo of the snow. Baby blue was her husband's wishes so I took ideas from her wedding invitation and came up with some silver accents. Nice that I can use blue delphinium flowers as well, but not so sure if I'd want to spend hours making 20 corsages and boutonnieres out of them. They are so delicate. I seldom use bridal bouquets holders, but I thought it would fancy things up and make the bridal bouquet more elegant. I also added some green viburnum to give it an extra oomph. Next projects for March coming up soon~ Stay tuned...

Simply Sweet Floral Designs


dd said...

Ought so sweet of you... Danny and I just saw your post as I was thinking to leave a comment on your website to say how good you are.. But was unable to do so.... Thank YOU for doing such wonderful work.... I love my bouquet and am glad you got such a nice shot of it.... Thank you... Love your work..and your passion about your work... You rock!!!

Doris Lee-Chan said...

Thank you for your lovely comment!