Hand Made Cards

I like to post of OPT: Other People's Talents. If you've followed my blog I have a good friend who I did a wedding for 2 years ago I met from my old work place and it's a blessing having her in my life. I knew she has good fashion sense am a smart cookie, but didn't know she was so artsy either. I've received some cards from her and after visiting her I can see she does have talent for hand made cards! These are some of her creations. It's so simple yet so nice. Since Christmas is just around the corner it explains why mostly Christmas only. If you are interested in more of her work she'll be at Nikkei Place on November 21st, 2010 for a craft show. Don't forget to eat at Hi Genki next door! Last and certainly not least there's us with my little Man. He travels a lot with Mommy and I love him to pieces!

To know more please visit her blog. It's not the most updated, but at least you can bookmark her if you like her work! Jessicarddesign