Thirsty for Lemonade Cocorosie style

I discovered Cocorosie a couple of years ago I believe back in 2008 when they made a track for Prada's Trembled Blossoms video. I was more captivated by the electronic, ambient, vocal sounds rather than the visual, but ever since I've added Cocorosie to one of my fav's. I stumbled upon this video and it had all the elements I'm loving so far. The time, place, costume, the way it's's spooky! (but I'm not a spooky person) The Native American man topped it off totally! The lyrics may be a bit disturbing for some, but nonetheless I love this video! Mind you some of my favorite movies were Interview with the Vampire, Mozart, Marie Antoinette etc, I think you get the point. I wonder what sort of style of flowers I'd make for this kind of theme...hmm... makes me wonder...
The beginning of this track also reminds me of something I've heard before... ah yes! My Immortal by Evanescence which leads me to the next track I'll be listening too. I love youtube~