Some things are just wrong?

I believe in ideas and thinking out of the box, but if it isn't executed right - don't bother. I really loved the movie Avatar, but after seeing this I'm not so sure I want to see another person painted blue with two uncomfortable looking bridesmaids & a bride or two brides???? The movie was awesome, but this photo - I'm sorry... China was offering Avatar themed wedding which obviously failed. Why am I posting? When I saw this back in February I had a good laugh, but now I just think it's wrong so don't go this path. I saw a video online of an actual Avatar themed wedding and it was glistening with LED lights, tall glowing branch centerpieces to portray the Tree of Soul. The ambiance of it all - perfect! There are tricks to make your wedding beautiful and one of the most important elements is lighting. Anyway, here's a good laugh if you're stressing out and feel nothing is working out for you today... some things are worse...